Saturday, January 17, 2009

Frank's Wild Years

After nearly going blind from an 18 hour video game marathon with a few of my friends, I decided to unplug myself from all technology for two whole weeks. That's right. No Ipod, Blackberry, laptop, desktop, etc. No email. No MyFace. No PlayStation Portable. No Nintendo DS Lite. No vintage Atari. No bluetooth. Nada. What will happen, I wonder? Will I find peace, just like Henry David Thoreau when he managed to live for an entire year on Walden Pond without his MacBook? Or will I crash and burn like my friend Melvin Cylart (a.k.a., FlyFart) who got caught breaking and entering into a neighbor's house when his computer fried and he couldn't think of another way to logon and get to Second Life at a critical moment? I am willing enter this brave frontier and write about it for your entertainment on this blog. I will keep you posted. 

- Frank


Burl Veneer said...

How in the world are you going to keep us updated if you're completely unplugged?

Salty Miss Jill said...

A noble endeavor, I salute you.

Frank Santos said...

Burl Veneer may be right, but I will not be caught in his clever semantic traps!